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Judul : English Book (Completed By Basic Speaking And Basic Exercise)
Penulis : Dian Permana, M.Pd.I
Penerbit : Istana Agency
Tahun : 2024
ISBN : 978-623-8242-71-9
Tebal : x + 91 Hal
Ukuran : 14,8 x 21 Cm
Harga : Rp. 48.500 Disk 20% Rp. 38.800
Sinopsis :
This book is the first my book that finished. There are two editions of this book. This is the first edition. The second edition will be finished soon. In this book I explain about speaking’s lesson and exercise’s lesson. I hope this book can be usefull for Us especially for someone who wants to be master in speaking. This speaking lesson is from basic. So it will make us easy to understand or master it. The sentence that I used in this book also easy to be understood. The last, Keep enjoy to use it,…
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